Monday, April 25, 2005

Peak oil letter to the Chron

When I wrote my post-petroleum piece I watched my local paper (the San Francisco Chronicle) waiting to see if they would cover peak oil. The phrase appeared in a business section headline speculating that Chevron was betting on peak oil to increase its profits. Peak oil itself was considered a controversial concept said the writer. I'd heard that before with global warming and popped off a letter to the editor just to let them know readers weren't fooled. They printed it verbatim.

Excerpted from The Resistance

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Sparrow Wows Granny Queen

Sparrow and I were able to attend the Fossil Fuels Day rally with the Raging Grannies and the Radical Cheerleaders from Stanford. Notice of the action had been posted to one of my meditation group boards and it was forwarded to me just in time. Global Exchange was promoting the international action which was set to target 200 Ford dealerships. The group I joined was staking out the Ford dealership in Palo Alto. Since I wasn't in the loop, I didn't really know how to participate, but I soon saw the parade of Prius's, Insights and two Ford Model Ts. I was able to pull in near the end. Sparrow was a big hit with the ladies. There was one press photographer there. The dealers seemed to take it all in good humor and one older gentleman invited some of the Grannes into the showroom. He appeared to be friends with one of the gals and they all chatted amiably. The Model Ts had signs that said they get 20 MPG, better than Ford's average fleet mileage today of 18.8! That's progress for you.

More photos at Tian Harter's site.